3 March 2014

Ideas to Revegetate the Kitchen

When the spring season arrives, we want to bring nature in every room of the house. And why not in the kitchen? Vegetated your kitchen and give it an air spring by bit, we found for you 5 very decorative ideas!
  1. A Vegetated Island
  2. In this kitchen, the plants are not just aesthetic! In fact, They allow to separate into two islands to provide one side work top and the other as a dining area.

  3. A Plant Table
  4. In this kitchen, the plants are not just aesthetic! In fact, They allow to separate into two islands to provide one side work top and the other as a dining area.

  5. A Green Wall
  6. Why not use the plants to close your kitchen? With a modular kitchen partition, you can create a wall That Will host a multitude of flower pots That Will bring in nature into the room.

  7. Herbs on the Credenza
  8. To revegetate the modern kitchen, think of herbs All which also Will be practical for the preparation of aesthetic meal. To have on hand, for example, you can hang a pot on the credenza.

  9. Flower Pots on Cupboards
  10. Feel free to use the untapped Areas of your kitchen to drop pots of green plants. For example, A Few-have pots on the high cupboards to bring Some natural vegetation in the kitchen. Also You can dedicate a shelf, wall A Few pots.


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